Highly useful 7 tips for sending your job application via email
It might seem very easy to send a job application that includes your CV and cover letter attached to your email to your aspiring company. However, many candidates do not make through the inbox of a recruiter to the interview table. Often these candidates do not even know what went wrong in their emails. Here we handover free simple and highly effective tips so that your application does not end up in the trash.
1) Finding correct email ID
If you receive an opening through a job portal and applying through it, your CV might float for so many days before a recruiter reads. Instead, if you give some extra efforts and go to the contact details such as email ID and telephone no. of a concerned person on the portal, you can hit the direct mail to their inbox.
There are two ways of finding recruiter’s email ID:
a) When you see a job opening on any portal, they often have a heading for contact details. If you click on it, you may see the contact person’s name; email Id, telephone no. website address. Well, it’s not always disclosed but you can take those chances.
b) If you cannot find the email Id that easily and you barely know just the name of the company. You first need to search for its website. Visit the website and try to find the page under ‘Career/ Work with us/ Our team’ page. Go through these pages most of the time they mention dedicated email id for applying to their vacancies. If such pages do not exist, you can simply go to the ‘Contact us’ page, where they might have an email ID of the HR team who looks after openings.
This will try to save your CV or resume from going into the black hole when you apply to your dream company.
2) Subject line
Be very careful while writing your subject line for any job application because the possibility of reading a mail highly depends on its ‘Subject line’. The subject line should be short yet apt. This means it should clearly talk about which position you are interested to apply and how to fit your profile is for this position.
For example: If you write your subject line while applying to Business Development Manager Vacancy
A simple subject line that people usually use:
Subject: Applying for the position of Business Development Manager
Whereas an attractive way of writing this subject line can be:
Subject: 10yrs Exp. Marketing Professional seeking Business Development Manager Opportunity (Job code 110)
Those who do not have work experience and seeking executive-level career opportunities can write a subject line as:
Subject: Certified Digital Marketing professional applying for SEO position #1354
(Note: Job code is ideal to be written wherever mentioned in JD in the subject line itself.)
3) Know who you are writing
It is advised to address your mail to the recruiter or contact person if you know him/her. The personalized email that is directly addressed to a recruiter’s person helps you to catch his/ her attention in reading your mail. You can even talk to a recruiter first over the telephone and send your mail right after your call. This way your chances of getting your mail read are increased to the highest rate.
Ex. You can start your email addressing,
Dear {name of recruiter},
As per our telephonic conversation, I would like to apply for the position of #### at your esteemed organization.
4) When to send your email
The best time to get your CV the highest visibility is to post your job application as early as possible from the date of the job posting. In simple words, the opening is quite hot in its first 5 days. So if you could find freshly posted live job openings within the 3-4 days of time recently, don’t waste your time just send your CV right away.
When you happen to see an opening that is posted more than 15 days, you can choose to send your CV on Monday between early hours/ first half. As it is observed many candidates do not send their CVs on Monday, your CV can have the least competition on the same day. Your chances of expecting a response from a company increase by 45%. So, you need a job to get up early folks and send your CV on Monday morning till 11 am.
5) Composing an email body
Many people believe the email body should match with your cover letter. But it is ok to have a detailed cover letter and a short email body. Because not every recruiter can spend time to read both things.
The email body should be short and appealing to a recruiter to go through your resume/CV. Many people dwell on a question of what to write in an email while sending your resume.
First of all, you must start with reference to your email along with your purpose of sending your mail.
In the second paragraph, you should describe your expertise, skills, experience, achievements which make you fit for a given position. Try to make it interesting. Also, you can write about how your contribution could matter to a company.
In the last paragraph, you should express gratitude for reading your email. You can also request for their response to the next process.
Finally, end it with a proper signature that is professional.
Here is a sample email body:
Reference to: An advertisement on portal ‘naukri.com’ about ‘Requirement of branch manager job code: #896’
Dear {Recruiter’s Name},
With reference to our telephonic conversation, I would like to apply for the position of Branch Manager at your esteemed organization.
My current status of (Major experience or qualification) with (Achievement record or any specialized area of expertise) has been extremely beneficial and I believe that it would help me add value to your esteemed organization. My interest area (relevant to the job role), combined with (any crucial skill), has convinced me that I can succeed at the level of branch manager position.
More importantly, this profile at your organization would be mutually beneficial. Your company has an excellent reputation for (ex. Customer satisfaction/innovation/etc.), and I know that the combination of my experience, education, and motivation to excel will make me an asset to your (Name of dept.) department.
I am looking forward to meeting you in person to share my insights and ideas on [how you’re going to help the prospective employer with their goals]. Thank you for your time and consideration.
{job title}
{Company name}
{LinkedIn profile URL}
{email ID}
{Contact no.}
6) Content of the cover letter
Many people believe that the content of the email body and a cover letter should be exactly the same. But it is not that necessary. You should write an email text in short and a cover letter with detailed information about your professional journey.
7) Attaching a CV and Cover letter file properly
One common and major mistake seen in attaching a CV or cover letter file with an email is a file name. Most of the time file name is some random no. like ‘110003450.pdf’ or just a plain ‘resume (2)’, ‘cover letter(3)’ etc. If a recruiter downloads all applicants’ CVs at the same time, there is no way he can refer to any particular file again. So, try to name a file that can be identified and traceable easily.
For example, we can name the CV file as ‘Rucha-Sen-CV’, ‘CV-Rucha-SEO’
Similarly, we can name cover letter files as ‘Cover-letter-Rucha’.
Keep it simple and short. And yes, most importantly don’t forget to attach these files with your mail. In fact, you can build a habit of attaching files first and then composing the mail.
I hope these tips will help you. Feel free to share your generous feedback. It’s always a pleasure to read it.
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