Website Development (Programming)
2 months course starts from 17 March, 2025 from 3.00PM TO 5.00PM
This certified Website Development and Designing course in pune will help you grasp the insights into designing beautiful, arresting and effective websites from scratch to finish. Comprising the most advanced web technologies like HTML5, CSS3 and Responsive Websites.

Who can do this course?
This course is intended for participant who is a Graduate/ Under Graduate / Working Professional aspiring to do career as a web developer.
Undergraduate or Graduate students from computer background - BE(IT), BE (Comp), BCA, BSc (Comp), BSc (I T), BCS
Post graduate students – MCA, MCM, MSc (IT), MSc (Comp. Sci.) etc.
Topics Covered Under This Course
Web Designing with HTML 5.0 And CSS 3.0
JavaScript / jQuery for web
Bootstrap for mobile responsive
Introduction of PHP
Database (MySQL) connectivity and dynamic website development
Domain and Hosting Concepts
Introduction to WordPress
Certification and Certificate Policy
Certificate provided in this course would be certified by The Tech Hub.
• Bring Your own Laptop
• All the necessary software would be provided